
And In The End

By Walt Sautter
My name is Walt Sautter and I am the author of seven books ranging from suspense to satire. My favorite is Fish Farm which I have now retitled “And in The End”.
It is the story of Jack, an everyday guy who loses his life-long career at Tyron when it collapses into bankruptcy. He is embittered by his overwhelming suspicion that the companies’ CEO has actually engineered the collapse so as to steal millions for himself.
Jack is forced into near poverty and moves to a gang-ridden neighborhood. It is here that he devises a deadly scheme of revenge and carries it out to a startling conclusion. 

Continuing episodes at:—Fish-Farm-by-Walt-Sautter—Chapter-1-ern7fl/a-a1pvta


Take And Eat – The Rise of Ancient Gods

The lurid tale of a  man having lost his job who then seeks revenge. He doesn’t foresee the startling consequences his quest will bring until it is too late.

A priest threatened by extortion responds by committing the ultimate sin. In an attempt to cover up his heinous deed he engages in the vilest of acts. He continually questions his sanity while attempting to comprehend his depravity and its motivation. As the story unfolds it is revealed that unworldly forces have been at work all along.  It is divulged that a conspiracy of deposed ancient gods has devised this plan. His commission of these ungodly acts plays an integral part in their scheme to re-establish themselves as rulers of mankind’s destiny. Will they succeed?

Continuing episodes at:–Take–Eat—Thou-Shall-not-Bear-False-Witness-e15ijq9/a-a69tg92